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Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Program overview

The Master of Divinity program affords students a considerable theological education with the specific aim of preparing men for service as local church pastors. â€‹â€‹While Master of Divinity students are permitted to work at their own pace, each course affords a maximum of 20 weeks for completion. 


Master of Divinity Courses


Biblical Studies (42 Credit Hours)

Introduction to the Old Testament I (3)

Introduction to the Old Testament II (3) 

Introduction to the Old Testament III (3) 

Introduction to the Old Testament IV (3)

Introduction to the New Testament I (3)

Introduction to the New Testament II (3) 

Introduction to the New Testament III (3) 

Biblical Greek I (3)

Biblical Greek II (3)

Biblical Hebrew I-II (3)

Biblical Hebrew II (3)

Biblical Hermeneutics (3)

New Testament Exegesis (3)*

Old Testament Exegesis (3)*

Genesis 1-11 (3)


Theological Studies (52)

Theological Research, Writing, & Rhetoric (3)

Systematic Theology I: Prolegomena and Theology Proper (3)

Systematic Theology II: Bibliology and Anthropology (3) 

Systematic Theology III: Christology, Pneumatology, and Soteriology (3) 

Systematic Theology IV: Ecclesiology and Eschatology (3)

Christian Ethics (3)

Church History I (3)

Church History II (3)

Introduction to Apologetics (3)

Theology of Worship (3)*

Introduction to Biblical Counseling (3)

Theology of Biblical Counseling (3)

Introduction to Expository Preaching (4)

Pastoral Ministry I (3)

Pastoral Ministry II (3)*

Theology of Worship (3)

Capstone (3)


Total: 94 Credit Hours

* Course Under Revision or Development



Church Cooperative Study Program

The Church Cooperative Study (CCS) program affords M.Div. students the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in local church ministry under the guidance of their pastor for academic credit. Learn more about the CCS program. 


Master of Divinity Prerequisites:

  • An undergraduate degree consisting of four years of full-time study or equivalent*

  • Membership in a local church

  • General agreement with FTS' doctrinal stance


*In some cases, students who have completed some college but have not obtained the equivalent of two years of

full-time study may gain admission. Students who desire admission by exception should indicate this on their application. 


Program Costs:

Monthly Tuition Subscription: $60

Graduation Fee: $65

Course Textbooks: $25-50 on avg. 


Forge Theological Seminary


‪(843) 481-0193‬

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