BA (Multnomah Bible College)
MLS (Emporia State University)
ThM (Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
“The Divine in American Politics: Robert Frost, John F. Kennedy and Early 1960s America.” Northeast Regional Conference of Christianity & Literature, 3 November 2012. [Pub, 2014.]
“Cultural Writing and Theological Expression: How the Nauigatio Sancti Brendani Reflects the Sacramental Worldview Present in the Works of Johannes Scottus Eriugena.” Western Regional Conference of Christianity & Literature, 13-15 April 2018.
Review of Michael W. Herren and Shirley Ann Brown, Christ in Celtic Christianity: Britain and Ireland from the Fifth to the Tenth Century, Boydell Press, 2012. Oenach Journal. Summer 2020.
Review of Quentin Schultze, Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education, Edenridge Press, 2022. The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education. 2025.
Kevin G. smith
Mr. Kevin G. Smith is from the Pacific Northwest, having lived in numerous states within the region both in childhood and now married with his growing family. He came to faith in high school in a non-Reformed community. After further training in that tradition and several years of pastoral ministry, he spent the next ten years discerning and learning about Reformed theology, seeing it as the faithful expression of biblical truths. Since then, he has primarily worked in classical Christian education, serving as an Upper School teacher and administrator in both traditional and online settings.
Accompanying his journey into Reformed theology, Mr. Smith pursued more opportunities to both learn from and contribute to Christian higher education. His research goals pertain to educational practices and methods in Europe and her colonies from the 14th – 18th centuries, with special attention given to Scotland and England of the 16th and 17th centuries. He also has further training in Library Sciences, serving as a Library Director and consultant for Christian academic institutions.
He married his beautiful bride, Ashley, in 2016 and God has blessed them with three children, a daughter, a son, and one who is with the Lord. When not working with books or teaching a class, he spends time outside with his kids, goes on walks with his whole crew, or enjoys a free moment to read on his own.