Certificate in Biblical Counseling
Program overview
The Certificate in Biblical Counseling (CBC) is a twelve-credit hour program that fulfills the educational/exam components and some of the supervision requirements for certification with the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC) or the Fellowship of Biblical Counselors (FBC). CBC students have the option to pursue either IABC or FBC certification. The CBC program is designed for lay counselors who desire to become better equipped to engage in soul care ministry in their local church. CBC students will be immersed in an array of literature and lectures that exceed the requirements of the IABC/FBC. CBC credits are transferable into either our Associate of Theology, Bachelor of Theology, or Master of Theological Studies programs.

​Certificate Courses
Introduction to Biblical Counseling (3 credit hours)
Introduction to Biblical Counseling provides students with an expansive explanation of biblical soul care. Students will explore the basics of biblical counseling method and will learn to address some of the more common problems presented in counseling situations. Additionally, students will learn to navigate the differences between biblical counseling, integrationism, and secular psychology. Students will complete the IABC counseling exam during this course.
Theology of Biblical Counseling (3 credit hours)
Theology of Biblical Counseling explores how to practically apply the theological truths that the student learned while studying Biblical and Systematic Theology. Students will apprehend the theological basis for the practice of biblical counseling and will develop a substantial understanding of counseling as an inherently theological task. Students will complete the IABC theology exam during this course.
Biblical Hermeneutics (3 credit hours)
​Biblical Hermeneutics will provide a careful introduction to the task of biblical interpretation, especially as it relates to the Old Testament. Students will learn about the different approaches to hermeneutics and will be instructed in an evenhanded approach that honors evangelical conviction regarding the absolute truthfulness and relevance of Scripture but also acknowledges the importance of recognizing how the interpreter’s experience and background affect interpretation.
Biblical Counseling Practicum (3 credit hours)
During Biblical Counseling Practicum students will conduct ten hours of biblical counseling under the supervision of an experienced counselor. Students will learn to critically analyze their counsel and sharpen their skills.
Certificate Prerequisites:
Membership in a local church
General agreement with FTS' doctrinal stance